Monday, March 5, 2012

Welcome to the Burleigh Hamilton Butler Okeefe family!!!!

OOOO Yeah  Aren't we a lovely lot.....Such a good looking family

Zacs school camp in Le Bons Bay

Zac on his new motor bike

Here is my big boy on his new motor bike....never thought I would let him have a motor bike till he was alot bigger than this...but oh well boys will be boys...and as he had grown out of the little 4 wheeler then this was the next step...he loves riding it but isn't hell bent on it all the time so that is good...for now...

A Catch up...

Looking back at this new blog I can see I ain't putting in half as much effort as I should be!!! considering last year I would post most days...oh well life is busy and priorities change,but I still really want to print another book this year as it is such a great record of all the things our family gets up to in a year,so note to self!!! TRY A LITTLE HARDER TO UPDATE.....
We are a happy little family living the country are well settled in their new school and each have cute new friends,life is alot less stressed since we made some big decisions at the end of last year and it all feels so right....John is busy with work and when he isn't he is painting our lovely home and in the process he has decided he can't finish the painting out the front with out the veranda coming off and being replaced...I love how one job in an old house leads to quite a few more...but who better to tackle it than the lovely man of the house...he seems to be able to tackle any job....which is a quality I am quite jealous of.....I always put things off if they look to hard! But not John the more challenging the  better....So will keep things updated on that the moment we have no deck to stand on and he is away working for someone else! never mind good things take time.
We have a couple of new members added to our animal family...Snowbell is a cute as dexter jersey cross cow who sadly lost he calf, I have since mothered on a little fresian cross calf from the market onto her and she still hasn't decided if she really likes him yet...I have to put her in the milking bail 2 or 3 times a day to feed him...hope this doesn't go on to long...rather time consuming...I had forgotten how much I like cows till now...Brings back memories of milking when I still lived at home and also when I had a milking cow at the farm. They are lovely animals to be around...and don't get me wrong horses are also nice to be around but cows seem so less flighty...Snowbell is totally driven by her stomach that she happily runs to you and comes in to the shed for her treats.. Valentino the calf is super cute and we are finding it hard to know that one day his days will be numbered but are happy to give him a nice life in the mean time...and his days could have been numbered alot sooner if he hadn't sold to us at the market on the day we got him....

Anyway will now post some photos to  show you what I am rambling on about...